Suicide Rate


Suicide is a complex and devastating global issue that affects millions each year, representing a significant challenge for public health and societal well-being. Despite various efforts, it remains a leading cause of death worldwide, with rates that vary significantly across different regions and populations. By analyzing data over the past decades, this research seeks to understand how economic upturns and downturns correspond to changes in suicide rates. The findings are expected to shed light on whether economic prosperity or hardship is associated with increases or decreases in suicide rates, offering insights into the potential for economic policy and development strategies to serve as preventive measures. This study not only contributes to the academic discourse on mental health and economics but also aims to inform policymakers and public health officials, providing evidence-based recommendations to combat the persisting issue of suicide. Ultimately, this research endeavors to underscore the importance of integrating economic and mental health strategies in the pursuit of reducing suicide rates and enhancing population well-being.